SALLY EVANS Treasurer and membership secretary
Hi. I have been a member of VVRC since 1999. I own Sirius, who is now 27. We have participated in many dressage competitions over the years, both at club, area and even at the championships taking part in the test where 6 riders do a test together -a bit like fancy formation riding. Due to his age we mainly enjoy light hacking these days. I have been on the committee on and off for quite a lot of that time. I enjoy helping out at events and have a catch up with horsey friends. With my daughter, Meg, we own 4 other horses -Trilby who is 35, Mac -28, Charlies 15 and her foal -Pye who is 7.

I organise a range of ridden activities for members including coached sessions (show jumping, cross country, polework, dressage) at several venues locally, guided/group ride outs in the beautiful borderlands and an annual two and a half day riding club Camp at Berriewood near Condover. The club owns a set of show jumps, which we keep at Rhos Farm Equestrian near Welshpool, for all members to use for a small arena hire fee and we put on low key competitions there from time to time.
I have two horses in work, Lily and Tori, and enjoy all disciplines of riding, especially jumping, as well as fun rides and long hacks out in the hills with riding club friends

My name is Amanda. I have been riding for about 30years and my daughter and I have owned several horses in that time.
I enjoy lessons and taking part in low key dressage, show jumping or cross country competitions. I am also happy to experience other things such as working equitation.
I enjoy hacking with friends and my aim this year is to find some new routes further afield.
My current horse is a lusitano x warmblood mare. Who I have owned for just over a year.
I also enjoy growing my own veg, mountain biking, going to local live music events and spending time with my two daughters and grandson
MAUREEN COXON Club Secretary. Head of Dressage. Website and Communications
Hi, I have been a member of VVRC since moving to the area in 2016. I joined with my horse Connor who said goodbye in 2020 at the age of 26. We both loved our dressage and competed in both affiliated and unaffiliated competitions at Elementary level. I have been on the committee for 3 years and those who know me know my passion for dressage. I still manage to ride and compete as very good friends who I have met through the riding club allow me to ride their beautiful horses.

My name is Anne Roberts and since I was a small child my main love has always been
animals of all kinds. At present I have a lovely German Shepherd dog who loves being with
me where ever I go. Also I have two black cats who follow me around in the house and
outside. A friend and I rescued them when they were small kittens.
Horses have always been my greatest love since I was a child. Now I have just two horses,
my oldest one is Colleen an Irish Sports chestnut, 16.2hh who has carried me around for
several hundred miles and now she is nearly 22 years old and has Cushings. She is the sort
of horse who says “what do you want me to do mum”
My other horse is my bay competition Irish Draft 16.2hh called Millie who was a show
jumper who can jump very high, I know that as when she was in a field at my house and she
wanted to be in a different field she would jump huge fences and gates from trot. She was
advertised as a show jumper who would not jump over water jumps or ditches and they
insisted that she must be sold to a very good home. Elspeth and I went to see and ride her
and we liked her and I bought her. She was a bit of a madam but a few lessons and Millie
was winning dressage competitions. Ten years on and Millie is 19 years old and she has won
over fifty firsts and about the same number of rosettes for second place. See has always
been a madam but she has never tried to get me off.
Sadly this summer I felt that she was not going well when she was asked for canter on her
right – I called the vet and after some investigation the result was that she has arthritis on
her right hind and her competition days are over.
Both my lovely mares will now live together in retirement – they will enjoy that.
The family I bought her from still send her a birthday and Christmas card.
To end my “About Us”
I have been ‘Chair’ for Vyrnwy Valley Riding Club for over 20 years and have enjoyed being
with all the lovely members. I have had lots of fun and enjoyed competing with them and
our fun social evenings and all the great things we have done.
I will be looking for another horse in the spring.
Many regards to you all