Hi all, I am sure most of you are aware that 1st July 2024 the new BD tests will come into operation. The number of tests available at each level has been consolidated, with four at Introductory, six at Preliminary to Medium and five at Advanced Medium (plus two at Advanced ). Including long and short arenas. Some are the existing tests reworded, some with changes to the marking system and some are new tests.
We as a riding club can carry on using the existing tests, however, we will need to think about moving to the new tests. The main reasons are: the existing tests will no longer be available, judges will be trained in the assessment of the new taest and the current score sheets will no longer be available. We can probably continue with the existing tests until the end of 2024 with the current stock of score sheets.
If you are a member of BD you will be able to access the new tests free of charge for six months commencing 1st December 2023.
I do have a precis of the new changes if anyone would like to see it.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of any help.
Best wishes Maureen